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Education Is A Must In This Socio-Capitalistic Era



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Do you believe that going to school and working on student assignments is a waste of time? If you do, you should rethink your statement because education is an important aspect of a society’s development and success. Furthermore, people who are learned will substantially contribute to their communities and society in various ways, resulting in a healthy and stimulating culture. Earn the money to invest in your education. Play simple and interactive betting games at 겜블시티불법.

The benefits of education

Education is encouraged because it makes us qualified to achieve various benefits from life, which can be the following.

  • Finding a job is difficult, particularly during difficult economic times. For a vacant spot, you will have to contend with hundreds of other applicants. Furthermore, the lower one’s educational qualification, the more people apply for the same low-paying entry-level job. You can, however, improve the odds of getting a career if you have the appropriate credentials and educational experience.
  • Higher-educated individuals with a diverse range of expertise are most likely to obtain high-paying, specialist positions. If you want to live comfortably, you must study hard, devote your time and attention to gaining expertise and achieving a high degree of competence. Your qualifications will persuade a prospective employer to hire you over another prospect.
  • Studying diligently in education and studies demonstrates that you are not afraid of hard work and can achieve your objectives. Employers see this as a big benefit, and they all want to hire people who are responsible and competent. So, if you’ve graduated, you should start looking for work that will allow you to put what you’ve learned into effect while still paying you enough to live comfortably.
  • One of the advantages of schooling is that it teaches us how to acquire and improve rational and analytical reasoning and make independent decisions. However, as children grow up, they face various challenges, including repaying student loans, finding work, purchasing a car and a home, and providing for their families.
  • However, if a person has spent years learning, they should make sound decisions in these situations. Then, people can form their views and seek strong and credible claims and facts to support and validate them.
  • People with strong career and professional credentials are more likely to obtain well-paid positions. The further their education and achievements, the more job opportunities they will get. People who grew up impoverished then went to school had a good chance of changing their fortunes and reducing poverty rates in society.
  • Education aids economic growth because it is about gaining awareness and applying it wisely to our lives while still enhancing the lives of others. Education has long been seen as a source of esteem in society. People should educate themselves and attain a well-paid job to be happy and fulfilled.

Education also aids in developing a positive image and improves the likelihood of advancing up the career ladder more effectively and quickly. As a result, it offers financial opportunities for healthy lives – families can afford to purchase their own home or apartment, ensuring the happiness and prosperity of their children. Additionally, being able to buy your own home gives security and boosts self-esteem.

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The Importance Of Online Education In Modern Age




A kid learning online education in laptop

Education is the ground on which all individuals develop. The main aim of education is to help individuals go through an overall development. This is why education has been made compulsory in countries all around the world. However, the scenario of gaining an education has changed in the modern age. Education is not limited only to offline academic institutions. Many online sites offer courses and training programs to learners. Moreover, learners get to learn through a method they prefer whether it is the audiovisual method, lecture method, note-taking method, or others. Hence, the advent of online education has been a boon for learners as well as instructors all around the world. However, even if the classes are online, they still come with tuition which could get expensive. Earn the money for your education, play simple and interactive casino games at 토토사이트.

E-learning has come at a time when people around the world need it the most. Many students cannot attend an academic institution due to personal reasons. They have proven to be more useful in recent times. They offer flexibility because learners do not have to go anywhere to attend these online courses as well. They can attend these classes from their home itself. Online learning also allows everyone to gain education and access educational materials without any discrimination based on class, caste, religion, race, colour, or any other social criteria.

Importance of online education

  • Firstly, learners do not have to go anywhere because they can access the classes anywhere and everywhere. They can also access these classes at any time. Online learning offers learners as well as instructors the flexibility to learn and instruct at their convenience.
  • Learners can gain access to a variety of subjects. No matter which subject learners want to learn, online learning is a storehouse of knowledge and information on various subjects and this allows them to improve their existing knowledge and gain valuable and insightful knowledge on the topics as well.
  • Online classes are also much more affordable and most courses offered online free are not just affordable but are also free. What one may learn in a physical classroom, they get to learn the same things in an online platform at a much lower cost or for free.
  • Learners can also learn at their own pace. If they find the topic easy to understand, they can move on to the next topic and if they find a topic a bit difficult to understand, they can go through it again. Online courses are also easy to access because they only need a device and a good internet connection to access the courses.

Online education is certainly an efficient way to learn mostly because they can learn in a variety of creative and innovative methods. They can go through entertaining videos to understand the topic easily or they can also use other methods such as PDFs, podcasts, audios, and other methods. With online teaching, instructors get a variety of methods and flexibility to deal with the topics as well. Hence, online education is certainly a great way to achieve education for learners and impart knowledge to instructors.

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School Reorganization – Where will £70m come from?




Government have denied promising the IW Council £70 million to pay for reorganizing Island schools from a three- to a two-tier system. And the Island’s MP has criticized the ‘optimistic noises’ on funding given at consultation meetings. In times like this it is vital to have alternate source of income and playing online could help us have some sort of financial safety net.

In a Parliamentary Answer to Island MP Andrew Turner it was revealed that there have been absolutely no promises from the Government to provide the estimated £70 million needed for the changes being proposed by council officials. In answering Mr Turner, Stephen Twigg MP, the Minister responsible for school funding, made it clear that the Isle of Wight council has received no assurances that extra money will be made available for the proposed changeover. Mr Turner has criticized the impression given to parents and teachers that obtaining the money needed from central government would not present a problem.

Andrew Turner said,

“During the meeting I attended at Sandown High School it was clearly stated that ‘we can get’ the £70 million needed to change the system. I was surprised to hear that because that simply isn’t the way that Government works. I have asked the Government what promises they have given and they have clearly told me that they have given none. I have now asked the Council what led them to give such a misleading impression to those who went to the trouble of attending the meeting. I have been told that there have been informal meetings with government officials who support these proposals – I am afraid that does not represent government spending commitments. Frankly I am shocked that optimistic noises were made which misled people.”

Exam results and education standards on the Island are far below the national average and the recent report costing £100,000 by 4S recommended changing the system but did not provide any evidence that this alone would improve standards. Mr Turner went on to say:

“There may well be arguments for changing the system – but changing the system does not guarantee improving standards; the issues should not be mixed up. Even the advocates of change admit it would cost a fortune. If that money does not come from central government it will have to come from existing council budgets and be topped up by Island council taxpayers.

“It is at very least disingenuous to suggest that finding the money to achieve change is not an important issue that needs to be discussed as part of these proposals. I am worried that the Council seems to believe that informal discussions with civil servants translates into promises of many millions of pounds – sadly that is not the case.

“We need to raise standards but that is best done by the Council accepting that some schools are better than others, publishing that information to parents, governors, teachers and the wider public, and tackling the problems on a school-by-school basis. It is not as glamorous as being the architect of a whole new system, but it is much more likely to give our children the quality schooling they deserve.”


Contact : Andrew Turner 01983 530808

School Building (Isle of Wight)

Mr. Andrew Turner: To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Skills what (a) commitments and (b) undertakings she has made to the Isle of Wight Council regarding future capital allocations provided (i) through the Building Schools for the Future programme or (ii) otherwise, whether (A) contingent on or (B) not contingent on school reorganisation. [216280]

Mr. Stephen Twigg: A letter has been sent to all council leaders stating that, for authorities not prioritised in the first three waves of Building Schools for the Future (BSF), including the Isle of Wight, we are determined to make a start on BSF plans between 2005–06 and 2010–11. Our ambition is that in the next full Parliament, subject to future spending decisions, 60 per cent. of all authorities will have started in the BSF programme, or else be given resources to renew at least one secondary school with the greatest need as a school for the future, or as an academy. Each BSF scheme will be judged on its merits, and is not necessarily contingent on school reorganisation. Other capital allocations to the council and its schools were announced on 30 November, and are set out in the following table:

2006–07 14,853
2007–08 15,446

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School Safety ‘never 100 per cent’, warns Island MP




Government reform to child protection laws cannot make schools 100 per cent safe, parents have been warned by Island MP Andrew Turner. Following scares on sex offenders teaching in schools, Education secretary Ruth Kelly has announced plans to tighten up the rules on registration with the Criminal Records Bureau.

Mr Turner said:

“I welcome Ruth Kelly’s action in the wake of recent evidence that around known 100 sex offenders are teaching in schools across the country. And I am of course very pleased to hear that there are none doing so on the Isle of Wight.

“But however much we tighten the rules, we should never believe that government action, either local or national, is a substitute for parents and headteachers exercising vigilance and good judgement. The official lists of sex offenders only record people who we know have been convicted or cautioned. We don’t have full records of all the 10,000 foreign teachers in the workforce. And even for those whose full records are available, including the 30,000 new teachers who are trained each year, no-one can say for sure that they are 100% safe. In addition, there may be sex offenders among other pupils, and I have tabled questions to the Education Secretary to ask what advice she gives on them.

“I don’t want to exaggerate the threat to children. While all sex offences are serious, some are more serious than others, and thankfully only a relatively small number even of sex offenders pose a threat to children.

“The best people to judge whether children are safe are the people who know them best – that is, their parents, teachers and local communities, and we on the Island are very fortunate to have strong and stable communities where people look out for each other and the population doesn’t turn over too rapidly.”

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