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What Is Collagen And Why Is It Important?



creatine and collagen together

Collagen is the most abundant protein in mammals. It is the primary structural component of skin, tendons, ligaments, and bone.

A healthy diet full of quality meat and dairy, fruits, leafy vegetables, seafood, nuts and whole grains should provide you with enough collagen. You can also get it through supplements with creatine and collagen together.

It helps maintain your bone strength

Collagen makes up between 25 and 35% of the protein in your body and is the primary structural component of your bones, muscles tendons, ligaments, and skin. It is composed of amino acid, glycine in particular, and proline. These amino acids form protein fibrils with a triple helix. To make collagen, your body also requires a variety nutrients, such as vitamin C, copper, and zinc. These nutrients can be found in high-protein food such as chicken, eggs, fish, dairy, and leafy greens.

creatine and collagen together

A diet rich in collagen helps keep your skin supple and smooth and may help prevent signs of aging, such as wrinkles. It may also reduce the risk of osteoarthritis, a joint disease that causes pain and stiffness in the joints. In a small observational study, people with knee osteoarthritis took hydrolyzed collin and experienced less pain and stiffness compared to those who took glucosamine chondroitin or a placebo.

Another benefit of collagen is that it helps to improve bone health, especially after menopause when bone density decreases. A double-blind clinical trial showed that women who consumed collagen peptides over a period of a year had heightened bone density.

Researchers have also found that collagen reduces atherosclerosis or hardening in the arteries by reducing the stiffness within the artery walls. In a six-month study, 30 adults who took 16 grams collagen per day showed reduced artery rigidity compared to those taking a control.

Bone broth is a great way to increase collagen in your diet. Bone broth can be made by simmering connective tissues and animal bones for an extended time period to extract collagen. The broth is delicious on its own but can also be added to soups or stews. You can also add a little collagen to a shake or smoothie.

Check the label of any collagen supplement you are interested in to find out all the ingredients. You can find collagen in many different products, such as tablets and powders. The best way to obtain the nutrients found in collagen are from whole foods.

It helps keep your skin firm

Collagen is the primary protein that makes up skin. It’s the reason your skin has elasticity, which is important for keeping your skin looking firm and reducing wrinkles.

It also helps protect your skin from the sun’s damaging UV rays. Wearing sunscreen with a high SPF (SPF 30) and wearing long-sleeved clothing, pants, hats and sunglasses every day is important. You should also avoid tanning beds.

Collagen is found in all parts of your body but is most abundant in hair, nails and ligaments. It gives your joints and bones their strength and elasticity. It also gives your skin its tight and smooth appearance.

Like most proteins collagen is made up of amino acid chains. Your body’s cells make it when you eat foods rich in the nutrients that help your body produce collagen, including vitamin C, zinc, and copper. These nutrients are found in foods like dark leafy vegetables, tomatoes, berries and nuts.

Eating foods containing the amino acid glycine is another way to get more collagen. Glycine is a building-block of collagen. You can find glycine in foods such as eggs, dairy products, fish, and chicken. Try eating foods rich in hydroxyproline and proline, two other amino acid used to make collagen. These amino acid are unique in that they are not directly inserted into the polypeptide chain during translation. Instead, they are created through a post-translational modification to a lysine.

Some supplements can help boost collagen in addition to eating foods rich in these amino acids. Some studies show that taking a collagen supplement of either kind can improve the elasticity of your skin, reduce wrinkles and improve its hydration.

It’s important to note that most of these studies were conducted in high-income nations and on younger adults. Therefore, it’s not known whether the results would apply to older people or how long they might last.

It helps keep your arteries healthy

Collagen is essential for maintaining the shape of blood vessels and arteries. This is vital for heart health. It prevents weak and fragile vessels that can lead atherosclerosis. This is a buildup of plaque on the artery walls which restricts blood flow, increasing the risk of heart attacks and stroke. Collagen also strengthens blood vessel walls to reduce high blood pressure and optimize blood flow. In one study, people with mild hypertension who took collagen powder saw a reduction in their blood pressure within 4 weeks. Researchers believe it was due to amino acid glycine which can lower blood pressure as well as protect against arterial damages. Collagen also boosts nitric oxide levels, which improves circulation and helps the blood vessels relax so that they can take in more blood.

When you eat a healthy diet, your body naturally produces collagen. As you age, your body’s production of collagen decreases. This can cause you to have weakened skin, less elastic bones, and other signs of ageing. You can increase your body’s collagen production by eating more protein-rich foods. The best sources of protein include meat, fish, dairy, and eggs.

You can find collagen in foods like boneless poultry, fish, legumes, dairy products, and dark-green vegetables. Some of these foods contain vitamin C, essential for collagen syntheses. You can also purchase collagen supplements, but be sure to check with your doctor before you try them. Some people should also avoid taking these supplements. This includes children and pregnant women. You should not use collagen if your diet is Halal, Kosher or vegan. Before taking any supplements, people with certain allergies or health conditions should consult their doctor.

It helps keep your joints flexible

Collagen is the main protein in connective tissues of your body. It makes up the majority of your skin, joints and bones. It is also found in your tendons, ligaments and blood vessels. It’s composed of amino acids – mainly proline & hydroxyproline – which form a distinctive triple helix structure. This makes it flexible and strong. Collagen’s ability to stretch is crucial for your muscles, joints and tendons to move freely.

You can get collagen from dietary sources, but your body can also make it. The body can build collagen from amino acids found in foods high in protein, such as poultry or fish, dairy, nuts, and beans. You can buy collagen supplements at health food stores and pharmacies. They are usually made from processed beef, pork, or fish skins and bones.

Collagen peptides stimulate cartilage production in your joints. They can also maintain the integrity your tendons and ligatures. The exact mechanism by which collagen peptides improve joint function is not yet known.

Collagen can also help heal leaky intestines, a condition where the intestinal lining develops small holes. By sealing your intestines with collagen, you can prevent toxins entering your body. This allows your body to heal and eliminate toxins more efficiently.

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Self-Defense Tips To Help You Fight Back




Uppercut Tactical

Learning self-defense begins long before a fight occurs. It begins by being aware of the environment and practicing prevention strategies using gear from Uppercut Tactical.

Imagine you are walking in an unfamiliar neighborhood late at night, and you get a bad feeling from someone. It is simple and effective to stay in groups while only walking in areas that are well-lit.

1. Know your limits

A key aspect of legal self defense is determining the degree of threat that is present. Force or violence used against someone who does not pose an immediate threat could be considered illegal and lead to criminal charges. A judge or jury will look at several factors, such as whether the accused person had a reasonable belief that they were in immediate danger of death.

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Courts will also closely examine the timing of both the threat and defensive response, to ensure they are aligned. They will also determine if the defensive actions were offensively initiated, or defensively reacted. The courts will also determine if the amount of force used was proportional to the perceived threat.

For example, deadly force can be used to protect yourself from an immediate threat if you reasonable believe that the attacker poses a serious risk of imminent death or severe bodily harm. However, lethal force may not be used in situations that aren’t life-threatening or when there is no reasonable belief that great bodily injury will occur. A court will also examine whether you retreated prior to acting, as some areas have laws that require people to retreat before they act.

Defending yourself against an assault is no small matter, and it requires a deep understanding of the complexities of lawful self defense. The development of strong awareness, boundary setting, and knowledge and skills acquired through formal training can help you to avoid a dangerous situation or, if that’s too late, defend yourself so that criminal charges won’t be brought against you. A skilled criminal defense lawyer can review the details of your case and advise you about the options available to you.

2. Don’t be afraid to fight back

Having the knowledge of basic self-defense skills and practicing them regularly can help you feel more confident in your ability to defend yourself if an assault does happen. Knowing how to escape from holds and how to break free from a grab can give you an advantage over an attacker who might try to goad you into fighting.

Even in a small group, you can use your voice as a way to attract attention and scare an attacker. Try to shout things like “HELP”, “GET AWAY FROM ME” or “RAPIST” as loudly as you can. Many people think that they must retreat in order to use their right of self defense. However, in states that have adopted the Castle Doctrine or “Stand Your Ground”, you are allowed to remain on the scene and defend yourself if you believe that you are in immediate danger of physical harm from another person.

You can also learn verbal self defense techniques to de-escalate a dangerous situation, without resorting violence. By using assertive body language and a clear message to convey your desire to avoid conflict and set boundaries, you can deter an assailant before they escalate a fight.

Remember that options equal survival. Always think about how to create a safe area for yourself in the event of an attack. This could include not walking alone home at night or going into unpopulated areas. You should also consider learning escape techniques, such as how to break free from grips or how to run away. It is also a good idea carry stun guns or pepper spray, but you shouldn’t rely on just one tool to protect yourself.

3. Don’t be the first to attack

Whenever possible, it’s best to avoid confrontation altogether. However, if you have to defend yourself, you should try to attack the attacker’s vulnerable spots. This will make them bleed, which can deter them or even allow them to escape.

For example, if someone approaches you while you’re jogging or walking to your car and they start punching you, you should respond by kicking them in the groin or other vulnerable areas. Using the heel of your foot will also help you fend them off, especially if they are trying to pick you up from behind.

The last thing you want to do is strike first. If you do, they can claim self defense later when they press charges against you or sue you for damages. This is why it’s important to let your attacker hit you first.

If you’re being assaulted and there is an immediate threat of injury or death, then it may be legal to use physical force in self defense. If the person is merely threatening to harm you in the future then you can’t physically attack them.

In some situations, it is better to flee from an attacker than to fight back with aggression. This will give the attacker a chance of escaping and is the best option for any self-defense scenario. If you are already close to an attacker and you want to deter them, shouting “HELP ME!” or “RAPIST” or “POLICE”, may distract them or even stop them from attacking. If you are too late to run, stomping the back of the attacker’s foot or kneeing him in the groin can also deter him from attacking again.

4. Look for vulnerable spots

You’re walking in a dark, quiet street at night when you hear a noise behind you. The hairs on your neck stand. You turn around, but see nothing. The fear still creeps in when you realize you’ve been seen by an attacker. It’s important to know how to defend yourself against an attack – it could save your life! We have teamed up with the nib foundation partner Got Your Back Sista, to bring you 10 basic tips for self-defense that will help you fight.

When it comes to protecting yourself, there are few things more effective than knowledge of pressure points. These are specific areas of the body where thick bones don’t protect super sensitive nerves and organs. When you strike an opponent in the vulnerable spots, it can cause them to feel intense pain, be stunned or even unconscious. Knowing and understanding the location of these spots, as well as how to manipulate them requires training and expertise.

Attackers look for soft targets that will be easy prey. They will often test the victim’s ability to fight back by using verbal boundaries. Keeping your distance will reduce the chances of being attacked. But if you are unable to get away, it’s important to know how to hit an attacker in their most vulnerable spots.

By hitting the attacker in their groin for a few seconds, they are less likely to try to run you down. Alternatively, kicking them in the knees can also disorientate them and give you an opportunity to break free and escape. A shouting for help is another great way to stop an attacker. Vocal skills can help you improve your focus, strength and breathing. This will give you an edge in dangerous situations.

5. Take cover

Whether it’s a parked car, a table or even a fence, anything that can hide you and protect you from bullets can be used as cover. The key to finding cover is to know when to look for it. You should also be able reach it quickly. Avoid hugging the cover too closely because this exposes more of your body and increases your vulnerability to return fire. Instead, lean around the corner of the cover to increase your range and reduce the amount of exposed body.

You can practice recognizing cover by running through some self defense scenarios in your head. This is called combat visualisation and it helps you overcome your fear of dangerous situations. You should run through different scenarios to help you find alternative solutions when you are in trouble.

You don’t want to be caught up by a armed animal or human. While this isn’t the most common scenario, it does happen from time to time. In these cases, you should shout and stand your ground. Running will trigger the predatory drives of many animals, so it’s better to stay calm and fight back if you can.

If you are unable to escape, yell and hit the attacker’s arm. Ideally, you should strike the point where their thumb and fingers meet. This is the weakest point of the grip and will make it easy to break free. Stomping and yelling can also startle your attacker, making them more likely drop the weapon. This could give you enough time for escape or to call for help. Earn money and get self defense lessons, play simple and interactive betting games at

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