Since “youth” is not a homogeneous body, multiple contact approaches are required: it is made up of various organizations, some of which are participating in political parties, others in non-partisan youth NGOs, and some that are involved in single-issue campaigns such as LGBTQIA rights or the Feminist Movement. For many people, particularly young people, social media has become a daily tool. Democratic debates, like so many other aspects of our lives, have shifted to the platform. As a result, the youth can be targeted by linking civic dialogue on conventional media with social media discourse, which seems to be running in tandem
An Important role of youth in country’s politics
Youth also played an important role in the country’s democratic process since pre-independence, engaging in constitutional movements, social movements, and a variety of other interest and advocacy groups. However, while the youth continue to engage in local community movements, marches, and petitions by using the Internet and other forms of social media to share their political views, there is a need for a more involved and formal presence in politics to bring about the reforms believes are important for the country’s development.
Social media connection with youth and politics
Politicians who are engaged on social media are therefore more common with younger generations, and they find it extremely worthwhile to post daily timely updates. However, there are two main concepts to remember:
- First and foremost, social media is social, and its influence must be used appropriately. Politicians should pay attention to their constituents. If anyone reacts or replies, it should be viewed as if it was a digital letter from a citizen, and it should be taken seriously. In reality, accounts that just post and don’t answer are extremely unlikely to be effective. As a result, a politician’s social media policy can include a dimension that tracks participation and allows for reflection on the decision maker’s positions regularly.
- Second, young people must not be dismissed. We’re not just here about free phone calls and unrestricted Internet access. We may also see how our generation struggles to find work or how people across national boundaries in search of a decent higher education.
The Dissatisfaction of the young generation with politics
Young people’s dissatisfaction with cases of reservation, rape, female rights, and LGBTQ rights demonstrates their understanding of the issues confronting the country and the world. If given the opportunity, they will work to improve the country’s political situation. Young people’s participation would also boost the political system’s sense of inclusiveness. Reservation for teenagers in political parties and the Parliament, political literacy drives in schools and universities, capacity testing for younger leaders, the establishment of local-level youth committees, and economic building programmes. To be more financially stable, regardless of whom is in the seat, you might want to consider playing some fun sports betting games via
Youth must be welcomed into politics, and veterans of the field should encourage the younger generation to participate in mainstream politics. Young leaders exude vigour and zeal, and they can be highly influential in formulating strategies to address current challenges and problems. Youth are generating an increasing number of ideas, and they are in charge of deciding which cultural values will help society and which will harm it.