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India needs youth in politics for change



Since “youth” is not a homogeneous body, multiple contact approaches are required: it is made up of various organizations, some of which are participating in political parties, others in non-partisan youth NGOs, and some that are involved in single-issue campaigns such as LGBTQIA rights or the Feminist Movement. For many people, particularly young people, social media has become a daily tool. Democratic debates, like so many other aspects of our lives, have shifted to the platform. As a result, the youth can be targeted by linking civic dialogue on conventional media with social media discourse, which seems to be running in tandem

An Important role of youth in country’s politics

Youth also played an important role in the country’s democratic process since pre-independence, engaging in constitutional movements, social movements, and a variety of other interest and advocacy groups. However, while the youth continue to engage in local community movements, marches, and petitions by using the Internet and other forms of social media to share their political views, there is a need for a more involved and formal presence in politics to bring about the reforms believes are important for the country’s development.

Social media connection with youth and politics

Politicians who are engaged on social media are therefore more common with younger generations, and they find it extremely worthwhile to post daily timely updates. However, there are two main concepts to remember:

  • First and foremost, social media is social, and its influence must be used appropriately. Politicians should pay attention to their constituents. If anyone reacts or replies, it should be viewed as if it was a digital letter from a citizen, and it should be taken seriously. In reality, accounts that just post and don’t answer are extremely unlikely to be effective. As a result, a politician’s social media policy can include a dimension that tracks participation and allows for reflection on the decision maker’s positions regularly.
  • Second, young people must not be dismissed. We’re not just here about free phone calls and unrestricted Internet access. We may also see how our generation struggles to find work or how people across national boundaries in search of a decent higher education.

The Dissatisfaction of the young generation with politics

Young people’s dissatisfaction with cases of reservation, rape, female rights, and LGBTQ rights demonstrates their understanding of the issues confronting the country and the world. If given the opportunity, they will work to improve the country’s political situation. Young people’s participation would also boost the political system’s sense of inclusiveness. Reservation for teenagers in political parties and the Parliament, political literacy drives in schools and universities, capacity testing for younger leaders, the establishment of local-level youth committees, and economic building programmes. To be more financially stable, regardless of whom is in the seat, you might want to consider playing some fun sports betting games via

Youth must be welcomed into politics, and veterans of the field should encourage the younger generation to participate in mainstream politics. Young leaders exude vigour and zeal, and they can be highly influential in formulating strategies to address current challenges and problems. Youth are generating an increasing number of ideas, and they are in charge of deciding which cultural values will help society and which will harm it.

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Jobs Related To Political Science




Peoples are discussing about political science

Political science deals with the learnings related to politics like how various government structures operate globally, laws laid down to follow, the economy of different nations, etc. Those who study political science also learn how public policies are made in different countries and their effect on any country’s growth. The process of analysing political data and presenting analytical papers based on their findings is also the role of political science students. Many job opportunities are available based on a political science major. You will come to know about a few of the jobs related to political science further below. To help your studies, you might want to consider playing some fun sports betting games via UFABET online and try to win as much money. 

Career Opportunities In Political Science

Depending on whether you have graduated, post-graduated or earned a doctorate in political science, the spectrum of political science career opportunities is available for you. A few of the career options available for people with a political science degree are


  • Policy analyst- To understand the working of different public policies, a policy analyst is required. The work of policy analysts is related to making use of critical thinking, writing and researching skills for analysing different public policies and their effects after they are well-implemented in a government structure.
  • Legislative assistant- The senators or other elected officials of a government can hire legislative assistants to help them in their work. The duties of a legislative assistant are preparing briefings, researching policies, tracking legislations that are pending, etc.
  • Political consultant- To create a brand image of a political candidate or promote their brand, a political consultant is involved. A political consultant needs to gain voters for the potential political candidate and conduct a political election survey for an election.
  • Attorney- The main duty of an attorney is to perform legal work for politicians and network with firms to advance their research into public policy and legislative matters. Attorneys can also contribute towards editing and writing documents for legislation that is pending.
  • Political scientist- A political scientist needs to gather, research, and analyse the information related to policies and political subjects. They try to understand the impact of policies on the working of a government.
  • Campaign staff- For creating a campaign and implementing it, the graduates of political science can work as staff members and promote a political campaign’s candidate. Campaign staff can also be involved in increasing the social media presence of a political campaign. In addition, the money can be raised for funding of a campaign by campaign staff.
  • Reporter- A political science student can become a reporter since they have a strength related to writing and researching political content. A few of them can also try their talent in journalism and thus utilise their communication strengths.
  • Historian- The work of a historian is to work on the past data related to government policies, etc., to help in the decision making by creating reports.
  • Librarian- A political science major student can work as a librarian and help students know about the right books to gain knowledge from and learn about politics and the history of different countries.

Thus, you can get a wide scope of career opportunities to explore related to political science.

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How election is important in a democratic country?




man putting ink mark on voters hands

Nowadays, there are about 195 countries over the world that had their own significance in this world. However, most of them are democratic due to which there are developing so fast or has either developed. Democratic countries are those countries where the national representative is elected by a process called the election. To protect yourself financially regardless of whom is in the seat, you might want to consider playing some fun sports betting games via UFABET.

Why is election important in a democratic country?

In the present time, an election is the most important part of a democratic country. There are many reasons for its importance. One of the biggest reasons is that election allows people to support the person whom they want to be representative of without any fear. There are much more reasons why the election is so important. Here are some more among them-

  • Show the candidate their performance- Nowadays, the country representative can be changed after some period of time. Due to this, the next time they stand for election, people have a chance to question their works and can have a debatable reason for not giving them the vote.
  • Sign of democracy- Election is the most critical sign of a democratic country. It indicates that this is the country where everyone is equal and has the right to choose their representative according to their choice.
  • Choose for the welfare of the country- Every state is involved in choosing the government of a country due to which all together can think for the welfare of the country and can dedicate whom they should elect a representative.

What are the benefits of being educated while standing for election?

Nowadays, many people prefer to study politics properly to the top level before standing the election. The reason is that people can enjoy several benefits by being educated. One of the biggest benefits is that they can win the trust of the people easily by showing their knowledge. There are much more benefits of being educated while standing for the election of your region or anywhere else. Here are some of them-


  • Know the section of the country to progress- Through the knowledge you have, till studying politics, you would be able to find out which section of your country need to progress and how it should be progressed. It can be helpful for you and allow you to build a reputation among the common people of your country.
  • Respect everywhere- Through the study you did about politics or other things, you would be able to become good politicians. This could also help you to gain the respect you own from everyone and in every place of the country.

In the last few years, most of the people who want to help their country to progress fast and easily prefer to enter into politics. It can allow the person to get a chance to do something for their country without any problem. However, you should make sure that you are educated before standing in the election of your country, to make a name and fame of yours around your region. This can enhance your chance to win the election.

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Constitution – A basis for the Fundamental Principles of any Political State




voters taking his votes

Constitution and Some Facts

The nation’s basic laws that specify the duties of the government and the rights of the people are known as the Constitution. It constitutes the fundamental principles of a country. The United States of America constitution is the oldest and shortest constitution to date, while the longest written constitution of any country is the Constitution of India. To be more financially stable, regardless of whom is in the seat, you might want to consider playing some fun and interactive sports betting games via

Aristotle made the first formal differentiation between any ordinary law and constitutional law. As a result, the types of constitution available in the world are:

  • Written and unwritten
  • Codified and non-codified
  • Flexible and inflexible
  • Presidential and parliamentary
  • Political and legal
  • Monarchy and republican
  • Federal and unity

These laws establish a balance between the political, legal, and social processes of a country.

Contents of a Constitution

The constitution contains several chapters, arrangements, and divisions that include:

  • Preamble – statement of motives and goals of a constitution
  • Preliminaries – declaration statement of sovereignty of the government, name of the states, its ideologies, and values
  • Fundamental rights – their enforcement, applicability and limitations and working during the time of emergency
  • Other rights – social and economic rights
  • Legislature or Parliament – Structure, composition, procedure, etc.
  • Head of the State – selection method, terms of service, and powers
  • Government – formation, responsibility, rules, and power
  • Judicial system – court, appointment, independence, public prosecutors
  • Sub-national government – local government and dissolved powers
  • Integrity branch – electoral commission, ombudsman, etc
  • Security Sector – Commander-in-chief, military powers and restrictions
  • Amendments – Procedure, implementation, and provisions
  • Miscellaneous – special provisions for particular institutions or groups.

Constitution of India

India, also known as Bharat, is a union of states. It has a Sovereign, Socialist, Secular, Democratic, and Republic state with a Parliamentary government. The Constitution of India was adopted by the constituent assembly on 26 November 1949, and on 26 January 1950, it was made to enforce. A government with a federal structure and some unitary features is called Parliamentary Government.

Features of Indian Constitution

The important features and contents of the Indian constitution are:

  • It the most voluminous constitution in the world.
  • It is both rigid and flexible. It can be amended by the parliament but needs a majority of the people
  • It has a federal system but unitary bias.
  • Fundamental rights and duties of the citizens of India
  • Directive principles of state policy that includes secularism, single citizenship, independence of the judiciary, etc
  • Emergency powers and provisions for the minority.

The Constitution gives rights and Duties

Some rights, as well as duties of the citizens as mentioned in the constitution, are:

  • Right to dignity
  • Right to petition
  • Right to academic freedom
  • Right to civil marriage
  • Right to information
  • Right to privacy
  • Right of children
  • Freedom of assembly
  • Freedom of expression
  • Freedom of movement
  • Freedom of press
  • Freedom of religion
  • Freedom of thought
  • Duty to pay taxes
  • Duty to serve
  • Duty to work in military

Indian Parliament cannot overrule the constitution as it was created by the constituent assembly and has constitutional supremacy. It replaced the Government of India Act in 1935. DR. B.R. Ambedkar is known as the “Father of Indian Constitution”. He was a constitutional expert who has studied the constitution of over 60 countries. He was the chairman of the constituent drafting committee and considered the architect of the great Indian Constitution.

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